Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good News, Bad News

So I didn't do so well in the mookie, and I crapped the bed in the dookie. However, I did manage to knock out mookie and hoyazo, the two big main blogger tournament hosts. And the KO on mookie came with AA against 72o, as the hammer failed to suck out on me. So I got my choice of a Vegas Bet or a banner for the blog. Seems like I'm gonna have to go with the banner, I'm sure it'll look good. That's all for the night, bedtime.

It's October Already!?!

Yes welcome to October, where the leaves change color and perennial football powers such as South Florida and Boston College loom the top ten. Maybe not so much the latter, but its getting colder, so that means I'm stayin inside where its warm and making me some hot chocolate and playing more poker.

First, the mookie is tonight, everyone should attend, it's not like you have anything better to do. I'm gonna be trying to make my way onto the money list. I've played four times, and the best I've done was the final two tables. I should be able to change that tonight.

Second, I will be attending the Canterbury Card Club's Fall Classic, and playing in the 200+30 NL Hold'em tourney on October 16 at 7 PM. A couple of friends and I decided to take a stab at it, and it would be nice to get some live experience back under my belt. It'll be my first big tournament of that size, and I'm really looking forward to it. The only thing I'm indecisive about is what my table image should be. I've come down to two options:

1) Hot Shot Young Gun, break out the Mavericks Dirk Nowitzki jersey and a Full Tilt hat and glasses, headphones and the music, maybe bring a sweatshirt so I can easily move from that to the Phil Laak look.

2) T-shirt and nice jacket with lucky blue jeans, try to put across the fact that I'm more of an old school, manners kind of guy.

I really am more like #2 but #1 has its advantages too. Decisions, decisions...

My beloved Cubs lost so I won't be watching any more baseball the rest of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love baseball, I just have no interest in Indians-RedSox or DBags-Rockies.

That's all for now. See yall at the tables.