Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Three Hands 1.1

So I think in an attempt to improve my game I'm gonna start a nice little segment I'll bluntly call Three Hands. Three hands a week, for as many weeks as I can come up with worthwhile hands. Let's begin with this.

I played in a Limit HOE tournament Tuesday night down at Meskwaki. $20 buyin for T3500, if you're at T3500 or less you can rebuy for $20 for T2500. $20 add-on at the first break for T2500 more. I've played this one a few times and the first hour seems like standard procedure: rebuy from the get-go, play supertight during holdem, take their chips during Omaha and Omaha8. I played one hand during H1, turned two pair with A9, check-raised a couple of locals and they both folded. Easy game. O and E went real well, including a nice runner-runner hand to river the nut straight in a capped pot preflop. I would have been chip leader except for flopping three's full of sevens on a board of 377; of course, the guy next to me has to have 77xx. That leads us to hand number one.


2nd holdem round of said tournament. J3o on the BB, blinds 100/200, limits 200/400. Older lady in seat 1 raises under the gun, small blind calls. The lady in seat one has limped every hand so far and called some raises with some crazy stuff. Usually with garbage like that I don't play but I've established a good tight image in the holdem rounds so I call. That's not what we're here to analyze.

Flop comes down 983, bottom pair no draw. SB checks, I check, old lady bets. What now, astute bloggers? Do I believe her that she has a nine or something else that beats me, or should I call?

1 comment:

OhCaptain said...

Tag! You're it!

I memed you! See my blog for details.